Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Day 70: Complete

I just finished my 1st 10-day pack of month 3!

Almost half way there.
Definitely seeing changes in my skin. Even my mom and dad(yes my dad even noticed and commented on it)
Some days I still feel like i have a long long way to go.
I am still breaking out (not as severely as before and the cysts go away pretty quickly now)
but make up is really covering up all the redness and irratation so when i do where it my acne is almost unnoticeable.

I do have to say that my nails have never been so healthy, strong and long! I never had nails, they alway tore and peeled.. now I have beautiful nails.. so that is a plus.. definitely attributing that to the medicine.

My lips however are still very dry and peeling everyday. they hurt. but the aquafor lip balm is fantastic and does help out quite a bit with it.
I have not had problems with dry eyes or super dry skin, but the winter is just starting so I am assuming the dry skin will be right around the corner.

The only thing that is concerning me is that my skin/ acne is coming out (to a white head) drying up and scabbing and pealing/ falling off, when I wash my face put lotion or a toner on it or apply makeup. when it scabs sometimes it looks like it is leaving a little hole in the center of the pimple and I just hope this isnt going to scar.
I am NOT picking at anything and washing my face and applying products and makeup gently but it is still peeling.
This is something I will definitely be bringing up to the dermatologist on my pre-month 4 appointment!

only 2.5ish months left to go until my "clear skin" fingers crossed it all works because right now i am not seeing the progress i was expecting at this point but I know I am impatient sometimes and I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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