Saturday, November 17, 2012

Day 60 and Month 2: COMPLETE!
Tomorrow I start month 3. almost half way there and seeing more and more changes.
some days I see improvement and others I see more breakouts.
It is frustrating to think "woohoo its working!" and then a day later look in the mirror and go "omg my face is a mess". I do have to say  that now, make-up is holding up better on my face. covering up better that the redness and irratation is nearly invisable when i wear it.

I had my before month 3 appointment with the dermatologist 2 days ago.
we discussed how my skin is feeling and any side effects I am experiencing on the 40 mgs.
Really my lips are the only thing that are dry. really painfully dry. just about 5 days ago it hit the worst its been. I am able to peel full layers of my lips off. and its getting to the point with deep cracks and bleeding.
not to mention how gross they look.
I told the dr. I was using vasoline because normal chapsticks were not cutting it. and his P.A suggested Aquafor. since they came out with a new lip balm... LOVE IT! it stays on way longer than vasoline, and just after about 2-3 days of using it.. my lips are flaky any more.
definitely suggest getting this product. its amazing.

After looking at the progress my skin has made, very very very rarely getting the cystic type acne, even when I get one it breaks the surface and comes out very quickly, (about a 5-7 days as opposed to 2-3 weeks before the meds) the Dr has decided that 40mgs would be good for me. and I wont need any higher dosages throughout my treatment. this is great knowing that I can handle the side effects i currently have and knowing they shouldnt get any worse.

SO starting month 3 tomorrow and hopefully continuing improvement throughout the rest of this process!
Below are the end of month 2 pictures.. not as bumpy still pretty red and irritated though.

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