Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Day 70: Complete

I just finished my 1st 10-day pack of month 3!

Almost half way there.
Definitely seeing changes in my skin. Even my mom and dad(yes my dad even noticed and commented on it)
Some days I still feel like i have a long long way to go.
I am still breaking out (not as severely as before and the cysts go away pretty quickly now)
but make up is really covering up all the redness and irratation so when i do where it my acne is almost unnoticeable.

I do have to say that my nails have never been so healthy, strong and long! I never had nails, they alway tore and peeled.. now I have beautiful nails.. so that is a plus.. definitely attributing that to the medicine.

My lips however are still very dry and peeling everyday. they hurt. but the aquafor lip balm is fantastic and does help out quite a bit with it.
I have not had problems with dry eyes or super dry skin, but the winter is just starting so I am assuming the dry skin will be right around the corner.

The only thing that is concerning me is that my skin/ acne is coming out (to a white head) drying up and scabbing and pealing/ falling off, when I wash my face put lotion or a toner on it or apply makeup. when it scabs sometimes it looks like it is leaving a little hole in the center of the pimple and I just hope this isnt going to scar.
I am NOT picking at anything and washing my face and applying products and makeup gently but it is still peeling.
This is something I will definitely be bringing up to the dermatologist on my pre-month 4 appointment!

only 2.5ish months left to go until my "clear skin" fingers crossed it all works because right now i am not seeing the progress i was expecting at this point but I know I am impatient sometimes and I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Day 60 and Month 2: COMPLETE!
Tomorrow I start month 3. almost half way there and seeing more and more changes.
some days I see improvement and others I see more breakouts.
It is frustrating to think "woohoo its working!" and then a day later look in the mirror and go "omg my face is a mess". I do have to say  that now, make-up is holding up better on my face. covering up better that the redness and irratation is nearly invisable when i wear it.

I had my before month 3 appointment with the dermatologist 2 days ago.
we discussed how my skin is feeling and any side effects I am experiencing on the 40 mgs.
Really my lips are the only thing that are dry. really painfully dry. just about 5 days ago it hit the worst its been. I am able to peel full layers of my lips off. and its getting to the point with deep cracks and bleeding.
not to mention how gross they look.
I told the dr. I was using vasoline because normal chapsticks were not cutting it. and his P.A suggested Aquafor. since they came out with a new lip balm... LOVE IT! it stays on way longer than vasoline, and just after about 2-3 days of using it.. my lips are flaky any more.
definitely suggest getting this product. its amazing.

After looking at the progress my skin has made, very very very rarely getting the cystic type acne, even when I get one it breaks the surface and comes out very quickly, (about a 5-7 days as opposed to 2-3 weeks before the meds) the Dr has decided that 40mgs would be good for me. and I wont need any higher dosages throughout my treatment. this is great knowing that I can handle the side effects i currently have and knowing they shouldnt get any worse.

SO starting month 3 tomorrow and hopefully continuing improvement throughout the rest of this process!
Below are the end of month 2 pictures.. not as bumpy still pretty red and irritated though.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Day 50 Complete : a few days ago.

I didnt quite get time this week to update my blog but I am currently 3 days into my last 10-pack of month 2.

I am starting to see some changes in my skin. especially in my cheeks (where the cystic acne was the worst)
where my cycstic acne would stay under the skin for weeks at a time, it is now breaking out and scabbing up within a week.
that being said I still have quite a bit of redness and acne on my face but its not as bumpy and definitely not as soar.
good news is that make-up is covering up my acne much better than before isotrentonoin treatment.

I know i still have a long way to go and it is a lengthy process. and from what i hear month 3 is where i may see significant differences.
ie I could have my most major breakout before the clearing up starts or i could just clear up without that major breakout...
7 more days of month 2 and then we shall see what month 3 brings.

with increasing my dosage, the dermotologist expected me to have dry nose( nose bleeds) and dry eyes to go along with my forever miserable/ annoying dry lips.

yes the lips just keep getting worse and worse..i think its almost to the point where i am used to them.
but i did start noticing a little bit of bloody nose.. not bad by any means but it could also be because it is getting colder and the heat is starting to kick on.. and just making the air dry in general.

I really haven't experienced any of the other side effects / the normal & serious ones. which is good. meaning my body is tolerating it.

I have changed my skin care routine up a little bit to make it a little more gentle.
i am just using a neutrogena gentle foaming cleanser, the neutrogena non-alcohol toner and their night cream at night and a Mary Kay Timewise with SPF 15 moisturizer during the day.. SPF is huge!
making sure i am staying out of the sun or have significant SPF protection when I am in the sun is my biggest concern.
your skin is super sensitive to the sun and will burn very easy while on this medicine. sun burns could even lead to scaring.. definitely don't need scares after having this acne for so long!

looking forward to continuing the treatment and really start on seeing my skin clear up!
next post will have pictures of my progress!