Tuesday, April 23, 2013

210 DAYS and I am DONE!
it has been about 1 week since i finished my last dose of Isotrentenoin.
I havent had one pimple on my face in about 3 weeks now. I have attached ending pictures below.
you can see that i still have some scaring which the Dr. said will take some time to fade but should fade out no problem. but no more bumps on my face! my skin has never been this smooth.
it was a long process but so happy i stuck through it.

I will update in about a month or so about how my skin is doing after being off of the medication. but to leave you with some even better result pictures.. and a reminder of what the end of month 1 was like... see below
yes its a long process and most of the time i didnt have the patience for, but i stuck through it and now have amazing results. my skin has not looked better in over 10years!
Bbig SHOUT OUT to Dr. S. Schleicher- THANK YOU !

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day 200 Complete.

I finished the 2nd-10daypack about 4 days ago.. no new blemishes. and scaring and redness continue to fade. Tomorrow is a derm. appointment and we will see if i am done or if i have to go another month.. either way IT WORKED :)
now my only concern is it continues to work when I go off of it.
fingers crossed but super pleased how my skin turned out.. BIG THANKS are in order when I go visit my Dermotologist tomorrow.