Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day 190 Complete.
I just finished the first pack of month 7. I am back down to 40mgs.
I havent had much breaking out just the occasional pimple which I have right on the bridge of my nose (that i am attributing to my sunglasses causing)
but otherwise my scaring is fading. my lips arent AS dry. but still dry and cracked and hopfully this will be my last month on it. but again we wont know until the next dermotologist appointment.

Its a good feeling when you dont have to worry about what your skin is going to look out what kind of new breakouts you are going to have when you wake up in the morning.. :) even though it has taken longer than originally planned. I am so happy I followed through with the treatment.. its made a HUGE difference!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day 180 complete.

Just finished month 6 on the treatment. during month 6 the dermatologist increased my dose to 60mgs.
When the medicine kicked in.. it really kicked in.

Right now i do have some minor scaring, which is begining to fade. but my skin is very very smooth.
and when I put make up on.. it doesnt even look like i ever had a problem with acne.

The dermatologist is keeping me on the medicine.. hopefully 1 more month. but now i am back down to 40 mgs.
hoping the 40mgs works just as good my skin stays smooth and the scaring continues to fade.

below are the pictures (sans makeup) from the end of month 6.  (you can also see just how dry my lips are.. all cracked and near bleeding.. rather painful)

HUGE difference from the post with the pictures ending month 1 :)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day 170:complete

I am actually around day 175. only 5 more days away from being done with Month 6!
and I am impressed! I havent had a new breakout in weeks! and my redness is starting to go away and the scaring is begining to fade.

I go back to the Dermatologist this week for my monthly check up and we will see if I am done with treatment or if I will have to be on isotrentenoin a little bit longer.. at this point, seeing the results i dont really care if i have to be on it a little longer.. its working!

my lips are ridiculously dry and crack and bleed quite a bit now. but with a night treatment of Vasoline on them.. its managable.

in about 5 more days I'll have end of month 6 pictures... stay tuned!