Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day 160 Complete:
I am currently on day 163.. I was on vacation when I finished 160 and am just getting to the post now.
honestly in the last 4 days my skin has cleared up.. no more bumps! yes i am still a little red, my lips are disgustingly dry and even my eyes are dry.
throughout the whole treatment, I never had a problem with wearing my contacts.. the last few days when I was wearing them.. I could tell my eyes were way drier than usual.
even had 1 more nose bleed but nothing on a regular basis.
I still have 17 more days to go for month 6 and I am not sure if the Derm would want to put me on another month just to make sure.. but we will see.
now that i am finally looking in a mirror without Acne.. I am thrilled! all i need is some time to let the redness and scaring go away. the scaring will take time but the dermatologist said it will go away. it is not permanent. :)
looking back through the series of pictures and where my skin is now.. its a HUGE difference. I am very pleased with the results.. lets just hope once I am off the medicine.. it continues to work and i don't relapse!

Monday, February 18, 2013


What should be the end of my treatment is now the start of Month 6. the Dr. has increased my dosage to 60mgs and is convinced this will be my last month of treatment... we'll just have to wait and see.

I am switching over from My ORISAN, which I have been on the last 5 months to Absorica.. talking wth the Dr. he had a way to help me get the medicine WAY CHEAPER ( I was paying full price for it -nearly 400$ a month) now I was able to get 2 prescriptions (one for 40mgs and one for 20mgs because they do not make a 60mgs dosage) for 10$ a piece! i wish i knew about this program he has access too earlier than the last month of my treatment! *fingers crossed the last month*

no new side effects but im pretty sure my lips will get even drier bumping up the dose.
looking back through the pictures my skin has definitely gotten much better.. still not exactly where I think it should be but hopefully this last month will clear me up completely for good.

so here is to another 30 days. and below are my end of month 5 pictures....

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 140 complete.
 I just started my last 10-day pack of month 5.
This was originally going to be my last 10 days on the medicine. My skin has improved, however not as quickly as the Derm. expected so I will be going on the medicine for another month.

I have a Derm. appt. on Thursday of this week to get the next months prescription. acording to my last visit, also looks like they are going to increase my dosage to 60mgs. but we'll see come Thursday.

Over the weekend, my family had a superbowl party and alot of friends and relative i do not see on a regular basis were there. I also had a lot of them come up to me shocked asking what i did to my face because it looks so nice.
so yes i guess it is working. but seeing my skin everyday, makes it hard to tell. I am still very red and kinda scared but hopefully all that fades in the next month.
im not breaking out much at all, right now I have a pimple on my forhead and one under my chin.. given my hair style, you cant even see it.. but i know its there! haha.
i hope within the next month to not have any (at least any that take this long to heal- still about 2 weeks)
and I hope my scaring fades even more.

all in all hearing my friends and family comment on how great my skin looks and looking back at the pictures i posted on here ( particularly the end of month 1) my skin came a long way and I am happy i decided on this treatment. I dont have to go to bed worrying about what my skin is going to look like in the morning, how many new cysts will i have how swollen my face will be etc.. its pretty consistant now and very minimum swelling. :)

still have dry patches but only using the tazorac cream (very small amount) once every other day and it seemed to help with how flakey and peeling my skin was.

next posting will have the end of month 5 pictures! and an update on my medicine dosage.