Sunday, October 28, 2012

Day 40: complete
I just finished my 1st 10-day pack from my 2nd month @ 40mgs

I havent really noticed any changes or increases in side effects. My lips are still super dry and cracked and are starting to be more painful, but nothing that a little blistex/ carmex/ vasoline/ chapstick/ whatever i can get my hands on wont help.

My acne breakouts havent really slowed down yet and my face is a lot more red than before I started but i guess that comes with the skin sensitivity.

my boyfriend had to point out to me that i am not even through month 2 yet when I was complaining and upset with the way my skin is looking. I guess I am just a little bit impatient.
I have also heard from his co-workers that have used the product that "yes, it sucks.. but, boy does it work"

So off to start day 41 and my 2nd 10-day pack tomorrow. and keep waiting for it to get through the sucky part and start working.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Month 1- COMPLETE!

Just finished by 3rd 10-day pack.

I went to the dermatologist on Monday for my monthly check up and to see how the treatment is going, AND get prescribed month 2

Each month you have to go for blood work to check your Triglecerides/ Lipids because the drug can have an effect on your cholesterol. (and if your female.. you have to go for your monthly pregnancy blood test before you get prescribed your next month's treatment)
My bloodwork came back normal with no changes.. so the 20mg of Isotrentenoin was handled well by my body.
My month 2 prescription went up to 40 MG.
so more dry lips (i just started to get used to it and it wasnt so annoying anymore) but its about to get worse,.. and the doctor said potential dry eyes and nose.

I will be starting my 1st 10-day pack @ 40MG tomorrow.

within the first month I have noticed differences in my breakouts.. definitely have been more breakouts but i am not sure if it was my "initial" breakout you can get from going on this medicine.. it wasnt as bad as i was expecting.. but i still have 4 months to go. so only time will tell..

below are my first month pictures:

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Day 20: complete.

Just finished my 2nd, 10day pack and on to the last one for this month.
All I can say is DRYYY LIPS
I feel as if I can peel layers of my lips off right now and no amount of Carmex/ vasoline/ chapstick is making it better.. its not super painful chapped lips just annoying.

also I've noticed that when I would get few pimples that hurt, my face is breaking out more ( maybe that initial breakout phase the doctor warned me about) but all of them on my face hurt.

I have 10 more days to go in my first month and so far the dry lips and increase in breakouts are the only side effects I am experiencing. My next Dermatologist appointment is next week. so getting ready to get my blood work done and see if my body is handling this drug ok.

Next post will include a monthly photoshoot